maybe dumb question… in the following code (that creates a cached registry client to talk to confluent), where does RestService.
come from? Pretty sure I’m missing an import but no idea which one. Code came from (@billh ?)
(defn cached-schema-registry-cli []
(let [restService (RestService. "")]
(CachedSchemaRegistryClient. restService 10 (doto (new java.util.HashMap) (.put "basic.auth.credentials.source" "URL")))))
(def serde-resolver
(partial resolver/serde-resolver :schema-registry-url "" :schema-registry-client (cached-schema-registry-cli)))
Maybe useful for you. I saw that there's an open PR that adds support for schema registry basic auth
nevermind, finally answered my own questtion. For anyone else coming behind me on this, the two classpaths I was missing are: