

https://app.circleci.com/pipelines/github/FundingCircle/jackdaw/1017/workflows/f97824f5-8115-4711-8011-8fe78dd00bf0/jobs/3472 Looks like the deploy step failed. Guess someone has removed the circleci org-context with the public key stuff I setup when I was there. If anyone from fc is here and wondering how to fix this, there should be a lastpass doc with all the info and credentials you need to publish to clojars.

gphilipp 2021-03-08T14:26:23.005300Z

Yes, the key expired but it’s all sorted now. I’ve published jackdaw 0.7.8.


Ah thanks @gphilipp. Sorry about the expiry date. Hope all is well apart from that :)

gphilipp 2021-03-08T14:28:08.005700Z

Yes fantastic thanks 😄 Hope you’re doing well too!