
finchharold 2021-04-13T05:10:00.014900Z

Hey, we can't create the same topic more than once right?

finchharold 2021-04-13T05:10:22.015400Z

I'm having an issue creating topics and starting the kafka stream with integrant...

finchharold 2021-04-13T05:11:01.016300Z

like I added the topics and create-topic method inside the intregant init-key method and now whenever I run the app, it says topic already exists

finchharold 2021-04-13T05:11:23.016800Z

so how can I just create the topic once and use it for producing and consuming...

gklijs 2021-04-13T07:06:05.016900Z

Not sure exactly how you create the topics now. In the cli there is an additional option to skip existing topics

--if-not-exists                          if set when creating topics, the action will only execute if the topic does not already exist. Not supported with the --bootstrap-server option.

gklijs 2021-04-13T07:08:23.017200Z

But if the documentation is correct then it’s a bit weird, since --bootstrap-server should always be used..