
finchharold 2021-04-21T05:33:38.037800Z

I got how to consume if the topic is created by me but I'm using debezium and in this case, it is the one which is creating the topic and it is the one producing the updates too... so in order for me to use that topic inside the consumer I should use the name right? but if that topic isn't present in any of the files then how to refer it?

finchharold 2021-04-21T06:01:36.038700Z

Yeah @dstephens, the topic name is that in the connector but if it's created by the debezium connector then how do I refer to it in code?

Darin Douglass 2021-04-21T10:28:59.040Z

Can you use list-topics and select the topic from there?

finchharold 2021-04-21T11:18:09.040200Z


gphilipp 2021-04-21T11:34:24.040900Z

In the admin ns https://github.com/FundingCircle/jackdaw/blob/master/src/jackdaw/admin.clj