What to expect in terms of salary for a senior developer with 2 years of commercial Clojure experience? What amount of cash would you ask?
The question seems impossible to answer without more context? It can vary wildly by country, etc.
ok. this is for remote Clojure positions.I am in east Europe.
just tell what's on your first mind. Of course it is hard to say but what range? 20-40 $/h or something like this?
Assuming you are an experienced developer who also has Clojure experience (which is what I think you've written above), I would expect something about £500-600/day if you were in the UK
But I don't know enough about the market in eastern Europe to say what multiplier applies there 🙂
anyone working remotely could share? 😉
Hard to say with the info you give. ex: 2 years experience doing what (writing simulations for NASA or doing ETL on csv files is not going to "rank" the same) and what kind of job are you answering to
Then your costs will matter and that's highly dependent on location (tax system & accounting etc)
Try to find somebody else doing something similar from where you are (clojure or something else)
I was doing 2 years of Clojure in backend and frontend. and now offered some backend work in data heavy portal in Germany.
It will vary wildly by industry and also based on the location of the company who hires you. Some companies pay "local" rates (local to them), no matter where the remote person is, some companies pay rates according to where the remote person is.
I've worked remotely for a over a decade. For some of that I was an independent consultant and charged what the market would bear for wherever my clients were. Mostly I've been salaried (full-time) -- and essentially paid somewhere between "local-to-company" and "local-to-me" rates (my current employer is based on the West Coast and so am I so that's not such a huge range).
^ @kurva It will also depend on what other experience you have, of course. Two years of production Clojure + N years of production "other stuff"...?
@seancorfield any numbers at all?
how would you investigate for rates?
@kurva See my question about your experience above.
8 years of java and android.
Then look around at your job market for comparable roles and see what they're paying. There are many salary/rate comparison websites out there.
The numbers for my area -- and for my company's area -- are going to be radically different to yours I suspect.
Also, again as I noted, much will depend on whether the German company pays local rates to everyone regardless of location or pays rates dependent on the employee's location. Also, contract vs salary tends to be very different, and very dependent on location/employment laws etc.