
Job hunting, interview process and anything related to the experience of a job writing the Clojure language.
j0ni 2019-09-12T06:13:49.006900Z

I wonder why so many companies don't publish compensation information in their job ads

j0ni 2019-09-12T06:15:08.008200Z

Do they think they might be able to persuade people to take a cut? Not out of the question I guess, but would it make any difference to have that decision in mind up front?

j0ni 2019-09-12T06:16:07.009400Z

Maybe it's just about retaining freedom to improvise - but that implies available funds, but a desire to pay less if possible, which doesn't speak well of the hiring org...

👏 1
mccraigmccraig 2019-09-12T08:17:52.009800Z

@j0ni speaking from the other side, i've done it both ways - ads both with and without salary ranges. generally my reason to leave it out is because i don't want a good person to not start a conversation with me just because the salary looks too low - i want them to evaluate the role based on the other factors, tech stack, product, company, working style etc.

mccraigmccraig 2019-09-12T08:18:11.010Z

if your're a bigco, or very well funded, and can pay top-dollar then putting salary on the ad makes it look attractive, but if you (like us) can't pay top dollar at the moment then there's no real advantage to putting salary on the ad, it causes you to be compared unfavourably to other companies when the opportunities are really quite different

mccraigmccraig 2019-09-12T08:18:41.010200Z

on the other hand, there's something about the straightforward transparency which is quite appealing, which is why i have also sometimes published salary ranges on ads

dominicm 2019-09-12T09:44:00.010400Z

I think you might be underestimating people a little there. If someone is only interested in money, then they're not interested in your job either way. If they know there's other qualities they care about, then they'll look for those in the ad.

dominicm 2019-09-12T09:44:58.010600Z

If you know the minimum you need to live on, and after that everything else is about quality of life, then it's much easier to filter to your minimum and that will hopefully include your job!

alan 2019-09-12T10:57:14.010800Z

Moreover this thing might work the other way around: I was thinking to pay $X, but then one great candidate gets in and since I really want that candidate I'll end up paying $X+Y

mccraigmccraig 2019-09-12T11:25:27.011Z

you could well be right @dominicm ... our recent ads have all had salary ranges on them, and we've done well with those, so we'll probably continue

mccraigmccraig 2019-09-12T11:27:18.011200Z

one thing that isn't in our rationale, whether or not we publish salaries, is to save money by paying as little as possible in each case - that's only going to cause future resentment

dominicm 2019-09-12T11:30:32.011400Z

Your strategy could pull in people who think they want to earn lots of money, but actually want to have a nice working environment. I'm not sure what that group looks like though.

mccraigmccraig 2019-09-12T11:40:08.011600Z

uh, which strategy @dominicm?

dominicm 2019-09-12T11:41:33.011800Z

I shouldn't call it yours perhaps, the strategy of not including a salary because it's low

mccraigmccraig 2019-09-12T11:44:24.012Z

all our recent ads have had salaries on, so that's not our current strategy... but when we've not put salaries on ads it hasn't particularly lead to any problems - i'd find out about salary sensitivity in the initial phone intro

j0ni 2019-09-13T02:28:34.012300Z

I agree with @dominicm - it's important to be able to rule out jobs that can't support you. The rationales I've heard for not allowing that to happen seem to be based on some kind of subterfuge - to me that basically means that the employer is ok wasting some people's time on a bet that they can convince someone else to work for less than they need. That seems both ethically dubious and a bit of a self-own - unless you're a non-profit or a mars colonization program, how long do you think you can retain someone who isn't getting paid enough?

j0ni 2019-09-13T02:29:59.012500Z

I get that some employers consider salary to be private information, but to me that doesn't speak well of their likely culture and practices

j0ni 2019-09-13T02:30:21.012700Z

traditionally that's how you maintain structural inequalities

mpemer 2019-09-12T06:54:53.009600Z

To some extent I'm sure that leaving the topic of compensation to the very end allows companies to anchor in a person to the job before considering the salary, thus they may have a better chance selling the job to more candidates. Perhaps more importantly, compensation is often considered private information. Many employees do not want to, directly or indirectly, disclose how much money they are making.