
Job hunting, interview process and anything related to the experience of a job writing the Clojure language.
caumond 2021-03-13T17:19:57.117300Z

Hi guys. Knowing i have been a developper since my gfa basic and z80 assembly (in the 80s). Knowing I've never been officially of developper in a compagny. So my resume dont tell my developping level. What training could help me to validate (or not (;)) ) my level in clojure. I mean a training with a qualification recognized by you - the community of clojure developper ?

ericnormand 2021-03-13T18:02:42.118Z

I don't think that exists. I think it would be useful, though.

ericnormand 2021-03-13T18:03:18.118500Z

Have you built any projects in Clojure?

caumond 2021-03-14T08:37:37.122100Z

Yes I did, but some "private" repos... The public repos I have are really scarce and simple projects, up to now. I have an open source project in mind, but the time it comes, it postpone my ability to change job. I had the idea to create a clojurescript personal website in reframe. I'm more a backend guy, but, still, it shows I don't have two left hands on frontends, minimal project configuration, ci/cd....

ericnormand 2021-03-13T18:35:33.119100Z

Those could make good resume material.


Is it OK to post non-Clojure (but still functional) jobs in #jobs. I've gained so much from the Clojure community - even if I can't offer work in the language I'd still love to work with more Clojurians.

p-himik 2021-03-13T20:34:58.121200Z

The channel description explicitly states that it's only for Clojure and ClojureScript-related jobs.


Ah, my bad.


Thanks 🙏