
Clojure(Script)-related job offers and job seekers (please specify upfront about remote working, location-boundedness, visa sponsorship etc). Discuss at #jobs-discuss! Also there's #remote-jobs
Niclas 2019-12-12T09:38:09.155600Z

The Stockholm Clojure community is small but strong, so if you know somebody who might be interested and help the community grow with Pilloxa then just direct them my way and I’d love to tell them more :clj:

Heather Clubhouse SW 2019-12-12T18:37:40.159500Z

Clubhouse Software is looking for a Remote Backend Engineer! Any experience with Clojure or Lisp-based programming is required. Competitive Salary. FOR IMMEDIATE CONSIDERATION PM or EMAIL: <|>

💯 1
Heather Clubhouse SW 2019-12-12T18:49:59.160600Z

Clubhouse Software is looking for a Remote Frontend Engineer! This is a Junior to Mid-Level Role, experience with React is highly preferred. Competitive Salary. FOR IMMEDIATE CONSIDERATION PM or EMAIL: <|>