@roman.bataev, Joker is amazing. FYI: I use it for the linting support in Calva, a VSCode Clojure support extension. https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=cospaia.clojure4vscode
I am back from vacation. Calva looks awesome. Will definitely check it out soon as it might be good enough reason for me to switch from sublime to vs code.
Hello, saw this now. Please let me know if you find Calva useful or if there is something still lacking for you to make the switch. I probably should add support for the Joker REPL.
Might be a bit out of Calvas reach since I guess there is no nrepl and no cider? But it would be nice to support scripting with something that Clojure-like…
there is no nrepl support in Joker and currently no plans to implement it. I personally don't use repl when writing scripts in Joker, I just start Joker process and execute the entire file every time I want to try something out.
(I'll check up on how mature the Joker VSCode extension is these days and might offload this responsibility to that extension.)