Hi there, about the .joker file: I cannot find a way to include org.joda.time.DateTime, imported per (:import [org.joda.time ReadableInstant]) so that the "resolve symbol" error message goes away.
That import is in the basic Luminus template, I must do something wrong. What would I put into the .joker file for these java imports?
@dk752 I haven't had to put any Java symbols into .joker
. Can you point to an example where Joker incorrectly highlights an error?
sure - maybe I am wrong. Maybe I am missing Cheshire.
(fn [c jsonGenerator]
(.writeString jsonGenerator (-> ^ReadableInstant c .getMillis .toString))))
org.joda.time.DateTime cannot be resolved
[org.joda.time ReadableInstant]))
[cheshire.generate :as cheshire]