
Discuss all things joker, the Clojure interpreter/linter on top of Go.
defndaines 2018-08-28T16:46:16.000100Z

Is there a way to have joker recognize destructuring in a known-macro? For example,

(defn f [{:keys []}]
is fine, but a macro that does the same thing is flagged with Parse error: Unable to resolve symbol: x when using x.
(macro-def f [{:keys []}]
The code works fine, but looking for a way to let joker know that the macro can destructure like a function.

Candid 2018-08-28T16:47:50.000100Z

you'll have to "teach" Joker that macro. See

defndaines 2018-08-28T16:59:23.000100Z

Cool, thanks.

defndaines 2018-08-28T17:00:00.000100Z

Once that is working, I get Parse warning: duplicate require for the namespace now. Is there a trick to getting rid of that?

Candid 2018-08-28T17:05:55.000100Z

that issue is fixed in latest master

Candid 2018-08-28T17:07:19.000100Z

I intend to release next week, in the meantime you can build locally (should be pretty straightforward)

defndaines 2018-08-28T17:08:23.000100Z

Excellent. Thanks … for the help and for the tool.

👍 1