does joker already support this? (this was posted in #clojure) henryw374 [1:12 PM] Hi everyone, I’d like to get compiler warnings when a variable masks another one So, for example in this case:
(let [[name] ["yay"]]
=> warning: name already refers to clojure.core/name
anyone know if there is a way to turn that on, or if there is an open issue for this? If there is I haven’t found via googling. thanks
borkdude [1:22 PM]
not that I know. joker (a linter) also doesn’t warn about this, but I think it could be a useful feature for itI had to test this. It’s because it’s in the let binding. It does warn for something like (def name "yay")
yeah, this one is about let bindings
so shadowing, not replacing