
Discuss all things joker, the Clojure interpreter/linter on top of Go.
robert-stuttaford 2019-03-01T16:48:10.001100Z

hey so how do i debug if flycheck-joker isn't working but joker --lint is? i've required it, joker is on my path, but no highlighting happens. it used to work but not after a recent upgrade.

robert-stuttaford 2019-03-02T13:29:16.002200Z

i’m definitely using 1.3.0 and 0.12.0

robert-stuttaford 2019-03-02T13:33:31.002400Z

perhaps my flycheck is bust?

Candid 2019-03-05T03:59:37.004800Z

maybe? I am not an emacs user so can not help here. Perhaps tips from could help?

borkdude 2019-03-01T17:05:08.001600Z

The only thing I have in my personal/init.el is (require 'flycheck-joker) (using Emacs Prelude)

borkdude 2019-03-01T17:05:56.001900Z

maybe throw away your elpa dir?