Hi Joker users, I've been using Joker through it's flycheck package (it's great!) and I'm interested in plugging it into CI jobs. How are people integrating joker into their CI? Anyone have a script they'd be willing to share?
I just enabled joker linting, and it is just wonderful, thank you for building a super fast linter
here is the script we use to lint pull requests:
(require '[joker.os :refer [sh]])
(require '[joker.string :as s])
(defn lint-file?
(and (or (s/ends-with? filename ".clj")
(s/ends-with? filename ".edn")
(s/ends-with? filename ".cljs"))
(not (s/ends-with? filename "/user.clj"))
(not (s/ends-with? filename "/repl.clj"))
(not (s/ends-with? filename "/project.clj"))))
(defn remove-noise
(let [lines (s/split-lines output)
filtered-lines (remove (fn [line]
(or (s/blank? line)
(s/includes? line "WARNING")))
(s/join "\n" filtered-lines)))
(let [branch (s/replace (:out (sh "git" "merge-base" "origin/master" "HEAD")) "\n" "")
changed-files (s/split-lines (:out (sh "git" "diff" "--name-only" "--diff-filter=ACRM" (str branch "..HEAD"))))
output (with-out-str
(doseq [filename (filter lint-file? changed-files)
:let [out (:err (sh "joker" "--lint" filename))]]
(print out)))
filtered-output (remove-noise output)]
(when-not (s/blank? filtered-output)
(println-err "-----BEGIN LINTER OUTPUT-----")
(println-err filtered-output)
(println-err "-----END LINTER OUTPUT-----")
(joker.os/exit 1)))