
Discuss all things joker, the Clojure interpreter/linter on top of Go.
blak3mill3r 2019-06-08T01:47:50.008800Z

I discovered today that after upgrading to v0.12.4 my ~/.jokerd/linter.clj file is no longer respected... I tracked down the most recent tag that works the way I expect and found that v0.10.2 works and v0.11.0 does not ... anybody else using ~/.jokerd/linter.clj to stop it warning about "Unable to resolve symbol: x" when using :refer :all?

blak3mill3r 2019-06-08T02:21:11.009100Z

I opened for this, just curious if anyone else noticed

blak3mill3r 2019-06-08T19:28:45.010300Z

Thank you! I must admit I did not read the release notes carefully. I added it to the README:

Candid 2019-06-08T04:43:38.009700Z

yep, there was a breaking change in v0.11.0. I replied on the issue.