
Discuss all things joker, the Clojure interpreter/linter on top of Go.
Candid 2019-06-15T04:42:26.025400Z

1) Something like (joker.string/replace "~/test" "~" (get (joker.os/env) "HOME")) should do the trick.

Candid 2019-06-15T04:50:18.025600Z

2) Please see for the explanation (I need to move it to docs)

y.khmelevskii 2019-06-15T05:45:44.027500Z

Hi everybody! Just curious is it possible to create customer joker lint rules? Something like in eslint

Candid 2019-06-16T00:44:58.027700Z

No, Joker doesn't support custom rules.

y.khmelevskii 2019-06-16T06:27:26.027900Z

maybe it makes sense to add this feature in roadmap?

Candid 2019-06-17T17:46:04.028100Z

what rules do you have in mind? It's an interesting idea, but it's more challenging to do it in Joker since it's written in Go, so rules would have to be written in some sort of DSL.