
Discuss all things joker, the Clojure interpreter/linter on top of Go.
Candid 2019-09-03T05:05:30.003100Z

joker v0.12.7 is out:

👍 2
dharrigan 2019-09-03T06:25:08.003300Z

arch package updated.

👍 3
maxp 2019-09-03T07:06:58.004Z

May be I misunderstand something?

cat .joker
{:known-macros [mount/defstate]}
cat m.clj 
(ns m (:require [mount.core :as mount]))
(mount/defstate a)
joker --lint m.clj 
m.clj:2:17: Parse error: Unable to resolve symbol: a

maxp 2019-09-03T07:09:13.005100Z

How to disable that warning?

borkdude 2019-09-03T09:12:06.005700Z

@maxp Maybe you need to fully qualify the macro in .joker?

maxp 2019-09-03T09:17:31.006200Z

Thank you for the great idea!