
Discuss all things joker, the Clojure interpreter/linter on top of Go.
hlship 2020-01-28T22:10:31.004400Z

Think there might be an error related to macros and Joker types:

13:55:29 ~ > joker
Welcome to joker v0.14.1. Use EOF (Ctrl-D) or SIGINT (Ctrl-C) to exit.
user=> (defmacro try-log [ & body ] `(try ~@body (catch Error t# (println t#))))
user=> (try-log (throw (ex-info "Oouch" {})))
<repl>:1:50: Parse error: Unable to resolve symbol: user/Error

hlship 2020-01-28T23:01:15.005Z

Request: joker.os/uuid to return a UUID string.