
malcolmsparks 2016-05-21T23:04:58.000035Z

@stijn I think you could programmatically achieve a deep merge by using aero to load both configs and then deep-merging the results.

malcolmsparks 2016-05-21T23:07:29.000036Z

The relative refs make sense since the #include is working relatively now - I'm keen to see what people come up with and contribute. Aero is my favourite juxt library because config is so important in end-user projects but it's staggering how convoluted we make it.

malcolmsparks 2016-05-21T23:20:59.000037Z

@gardnervickers: Another parallel I've been thinking about is app-state. In Om/Om.Next/React we are used to a single atom that can be dereferenced to provide a (stable) value to provide consistency in rendering the virtual DOM. Why not take that idea to the server too? Obviously state in a server-context is a wider thing, but it can still be dereferenced to a value (ala Datomic). This is going to be the topic for a introductory juxt blog post on https://github.com/juxt/skip called 'The Universe as a Value'

gardnervickers 2016-05-21T23:22:17.000039Z

Awesome, I’ll check it out!