
acron 2016-06-03T09:47:05.000055Z

Hiya. How feasible is it to use a different Cassandra library (qbits/alia rather than cassaforte) with the joplin.cassandra library? Or would I need an entirely new adapter to use it?

acron 2016-06-03T10:24:17.000057Z

Simply including alia in my dependencies gives an error! CompilerException java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: No matching ctor found for class com.datastax.driver.core.policies.DCAwareRoundRobinPolicy, compiling:(clojurewerkz/cassaforte/policies.clj:39:3)

acron 2016-06-03T10:52:13.000058Z

nm, did some version fiddling and got it working