
mpenet 2017-10-05T14:51:55.000360Z

trying to get a list of all possible routes flattened: shouldn't this be possible with route-seq? it seems to hang forever when pass it my routes

mpenet 2017-10-05T15:13:06.000443Z

seems like segments are quite restricted, used to have urls such as https://foo.com/api/entry/urn%3Afinity-data%3Aarticle%3A0b0a153d313f968e96f1af6b34852f286c6271ed/ https://foo.com/api/entry/urn:finity-data:article:0b0a153d313f968e96f1af6b34852f286c6271ed/ working with another router I was using

mpenet 2017-10-05T15:14:03.000026Z

;; This is a very common form, so we're conservative as a defence against injection attacks.
  (segment-regex-group [_] "[A-Za-z0-9\\-\\_\\.]+")

dominicm 2017-10-05T20:47:12.000115Z

That's what route-seq is about, yep!

dominicm 2017-10-05T20:47:19.000457Z

We use it for that in fact.