
crimeminister 2017-12-22T19:29:16.000193Z

Hi all, have bumped up against a couple of issues in writing a Machfile: https://gist.github.com/crimeminister/f4f57ef5eafb8d8a8d0a5e87e48403dc

crimeminister 2017-12-22T19:29:17.000087Z

@crimeminister shared a file: https://clojurians.slack.com/files/U066SF64X/F8J4XSXED/machfile.edn

crimeminister 2017-12-22T19:30:16.000250Z

One is that I can't seem to require '[lumo.util] to make use of the lumo.util/file? function

crimeminister 2017-12-22T19:31:03.000139Z

And the other is that using a CLJS regex breaks things

crimeminister 2017-12-22T19:32:28.000222Z

Robert Medeiros:
 mach/props [token-pattern #"_authToken=(.+)"]
 ;;mach/props [token-pattern (js/RegExp. "_authToken=(.+)")]
 main (println token-pattern)

crimeminister 2017-12-22T19:33:32.000325Z

i.e. using js/RegExp works where using #"" does not

crimeminister 2017-12-22T19:34:14.000146Z

Any tips or insight appreciated

crimeminister 2017-12-22T19:48:42.000397Z

Turns out the easy fix for being unable to use lumo.util/file? is to use mach.core/file?.