
bru 2018-12-14T15:34:42.013700Z

Hello #juxt!

bru 2018-12-14T15:36:34.015200Z

I have an aero question for you: I’m trying to use aero in a cljs project, but apparently it’s not finding the “path” module. I had a look in the issues on github but couldn’t find anything similar. Did that occur to any of you before? I should mention I’m using shadow-cljs

dominicm 2018-12-14T21:26:26.016200Z

@bru the cljs support is limited to node currently. Are you trying to read it in the browser?

bru 2018-12-14T23:33:30.018200Z

@dominicm yes I’m using it in the browser, although shadow-cljs does some voodoo and lets me require node modules elsewhere in the app

bru 2018-12-14T23:34:32.019100Z

thx for the reply anyway! If I manage to get it working I’ll try to package up a pull request 🙂