
p-himik 2019-03-21T08:08:53.012100Z

Hey. So, I'm continuing my adventure with yada/edge. And now the issue that I can't seem to get over by myself is that yada doesn't support repeated keys in form data, which should be perfectly valid.

p-himik 2019-03-21T08:09:55.012200Z

Here's an image of what I send.

p-himik 2019-03-21T08:10:25.012900Z

The issue is that only one of these files actually makes it to my handler.

p-himik 2019-03-21T08:11:30.013900Z

I tried perusing yada.multipart but I don't have the relevant background knowledge, so for me it's a fool's errand. Could you perhaps give me some pointers here? Should I create an issue on GitHub?

p-himik 2019-03-21T08:20:42.014300Z

Nevermind, figured it out. Will create an issue shortly.

p-himik 2019-03-21T16:47:49.015500Z

The example at https://juxt.pro/yada/manual/index.html#capturing-large-request-bodies reads:

{:parameters {:form {:video java.io.File}}}
Is this actually supposed to work? I'm getting errors like (not (instance? java.io.File a-yada.multipart.DefaultPart)) and I can't find any attempts to extract binary data from DefaultPart into a file.