Thanks. What other services? Do you have a tip for a good scheduling library?
External things like Google's thing. I've seen quartz used successfully via twarc also.
Hi folks , can I ask you about Edge here ?
Starting with edge, trying yada.example-auth. yada version 1.2.6-SNAPSHOT appears not to exist. 1.2.6 exists but does not compile. With 1.4.0-alpha1 I can enter the repl and invoke (dev)
yada.example-auth clj -Stree returns Error building classpath. Could not transfer artifact from/to central ( HTTPS Required (501)
Are you sure you have no mirrors? I was just having this issue, and I noticed I have a http mirror of maven in ~/.m2/settings.xml
Removing it fixed the problem
Do you have mirrors configured or anything for maven?
no, what I did was update tools.deps to see if works. it didn't.
That's really strange. All I can think is that there's a dependency which uses that repo. I think tdeps supports that now.
funny behaviour. i've renamed my /.clojure/deps.edn in order for it not to mess with edges's deps.edn. when you invoke clj it creates an empty /.clojure/deps.edn
for a moment you think you've messed with the command