I’ve been using Tick and I cannot find a function to parse a date like “dd.MM.yyyy”
I've gone the other way, that is, formatting a tick time into a string:
created-at (-> (t/new-time hour minute second)
(t/on (t/new-date year month day))
(t/in "UTC"))
created-at-string (t/format (tick.format/formatter "yyyy-MM-dd") created-at)
I will want/need to do parsing also....
not having parsing is a big downside compared to cljs-time
(-> (t/date "1918-11-11") (t/at "11:00"))
I'm still looking....(t/date (t/instant "1999-12-31T23:59:59"))
Java 8 Time that this is based on doesn’t have a concept of an open interval
@roklenarcic Have you seen: https://github.com/juxt/tick/issues/68
Specifically the last comment
(cljc.java-time.local-date/parse "03-05-2020" (t/formatter "dd-MM-yyyy"))
#time/date "2020-05-03"
(cljc.java-time.local-date/parse "03052020" (t/formatter "ddMMyyyy"))
#time/date "2020-05-03"
what about cljs?
IDK, I am JVM-first/mostly kind of person....
But I'm still interested, I have a CLJ/CLJS webapp that deals a lot with time....I was hoping to unify the front and back end time stuff....
seems to be working
on cljs?
Well that is good news....so it seems that there is a path forward for time parsing....