
rschmukler 2020-05-01T15:40:37.123800Z

Hey juxt folk! Are you guys potentially open to PRs for tick that starts adding doc strings to the API functions? I understand that it's all alpha so maybe there's some throwaway work... still if I find myself with some free time I was debating diving in


Pretty sure PRs for what you describe would be welcome, see here in the Tick section: http://widdindustries.com/clojure-time-libs-update/

rschmukler 2020-05-01T15:42:15.124800Z

Also potentially replacing all the def s with defn or specifying arglist metadata for editor integrations?

👍 1

This one always gets me too..

(t/inst (t/today))
Error: No protocol method IConversion.inst defined for type object: 2020-05-01


I would expect this behavior:

(t/inst (t/at (t/today) (t/midnight)))