@delaguardo you didn't mention you were using custom compiler options and precompile? true
. You're pretty much on your own in that case. Taking those lines out of your tests.edn your suite runs fine over here.
dev@autopair:~/kaocha-cljs-problem$ npm install ws
npm WARN kaocha_cljs_problem@0.0.0 No description
+ ws@7.2.1
added 1 package from 1 contributor and audited 1 package in 0.966s
found 0 vulnerabilities
dev@autopair:~/kaocha-cljs-problem$ bin/kaocha
1 tests, 1 assertions, 0 failures.
https://github.com/DeLaGuardo/kaocha-cljs-problem/runs/394879872 right, now it is working in GH action but on my mac I’m still getting “client failed connecting back” exception
is anyone here succesfuly using kaocha-cljs + node on mac? (looking for some data points)
managed to get an os x vm running 😎 , after a brew install clojure
/ brew install node
/ npm install ws
it does seem like kaocha-cljs is working, so it's not a blanket os x issue
Just managed to run in browser with this configuration: https://github.com/lambdaisland/kaocha-cljs/blob/master/src/kaocha/type/cljs.clj#L458
While CLI still throws different kinds of error
Looks like I'll end up developing inside Docker container instead 😁
one addition - I’m using nvm to manage multiple node versions on one system
I'm trying to set up lein + cljs + kaocha. when I run bin/kaocha, no test is found. I've added a kaocha profile and my tests are in the source-paths. kaocha.repl/test-plan outputs this:
({:kaocha.test-plan/tests (),
:kaocha.plugin.randomize/sort-key 138441634,
:kaocha/test-paths ["test/cljs"],
:kaocha/ns-patterns [".*"],
:kaocha.filter/focus-meta #{},
:kaocha.filter/skip-meta [:kaocha/skip],
:kaocha.testable/type :kaocha.type/clojure.test,
:kaocha/source-paths ["src"],
:kaocha.testable/desc "unit-cljs (clojure.test)",
:kaocha.testable/id :unit-cljs}),
:kaocha/fail-fast? false,
:kaocha.filter/focus-meta #{},
:kaocha/color? true,
:kaocha/cli-options {:config-file "tests.edn"},
:kaocha.plugin.randomize/seed 807058495,
:kaocha.plugin.randomize/randomize? true,
:kaocha.plugin.capture-output/capture-output? true,
:kaocha/reporter [kaocha.report/dots]}
does anyone have any pointer?