
Official support channel: https://clojureverse.org/c/projects/kaocha
plexus 2020-04-25T09:12:49.167900Z

@jmayaalv what does it look like with the default reporter? that doesn't look like there are any failing tests.


@plexus this is the output with the default reporter

Warning: implicit hook found: lein-cprop.plugin/hooks
Hooks are deprecated and will be removed in a future version.
the progress reporter goes to red when printing (that’s why i see there are errors) this is is my config
 [{:id        :edge
   :skip-meta [:slow :unstable]}
 :kaocha/reporter                    [kaocha.report.progress/progress]
 :kaocha/capture-output?             false
 :kaocha/color?                      true
 :kaocha/fail-fast?                  false
 :kaocha.plugin.profiling/count      3
 :kaocha.plugin.profiling/profiling? true
 :kaocha.plugin.randomize/randomize? true}

plexus 2020-04-25T11:19:39.169400Z

use kaocha.report.progress/report


yep, that was it 🙂 . sorry and thanks a lot for the help