
Official support channel: https://clojureverse.org/c/projects/kaocha

Good day 🙂 i’ve just took the risk to update all my dependendies and getting this werid error when running kaocha

Exception: clojure.lang.ArityException: Wrong number of args (2) passed to: clojure.tools.reader/read
 at clojure.lang.AFn.throwArity (AFn.java:429)
    lambdaisland.tools.namespace.parse$read_ns_decl.invokeStatic (parse.cljc:55)
    lambdaisland.tools.namespace.parse$read_ns_decl.invoke (parse.cljc:39)
    lambdaisland.tools.namespace.file$read_file_ns_decl.invokeStatic (file.clj:25)
    lambdaisland.tools.namespace.file$read_file_ns_decl.invoke (file.clj:17)
    lambdaisland.tools.namespace.find$find_ns_decls_in_dir$fn__4514.invoke (find.clj:78)
i am using deps, any pointers? App starts and i can run the test manually (passing) from cider.

plexus 2020-06-03T18:37:11.280800Z

Hmmm yeah I feel like I've seen that, I think the arity of that function changed at some point. Make sure you're using the version of tools reader that Kaocha depends on


checked that and seems kaocha uses the latest. Will dig further. thanks @plexus


removing .cpcache solved my problem



borkdude 2020-06-03T21:29:34.282900Z

Using -Sforce may also help next time

👍 1