Kaocha rocks!
And kaocha-cljs also!
Is there a way to run cljs tests on a brother different than Chrome (both local and CI) for instance firefox?
sure, that's not kaocha specific. It just uses clojure.java.browse https://github.com/clojure/clojure/blob/ef00c7cffad10e6104d333f7f71a29163b06cd0a/src/clj/clojure/java/browse.clj#L40-L76
don't think kaocha.bindings will work in this case since it needs to be an atom, although it might. Can't remember if we eval those values or not. Otherwise a hook that resets that atom should work
might also be ways on the java level to configure this, it seems on linux it uses gnome_url_show for instance http://www.docjar.com/html/api/sun/awt/X11/XDesktopPeer.java.html