You maybe want to vary it. The figwheel cljs env lets you customize it.
FWIW, here is the babashka version of browse-url: All it does is call the OS-specific way of opening a preferred application for some file extension.
the clojurescript browser env calls this, we don't have a lot of control over that
fwiw, many linux machines don't have xdg-open
Aha, thank you.
Any ideas what to try next if xdg-open is not there?
In an Ubuntu in WSL2 it wasn't there. I could get it with:
sudo apt-get install xdg-utils
Yeah, it will be installable in most distributions
Electron applications try falling back to calling chrome or Firefox directly
Technically, you should work without a specific xdg cli being installed, and work to the spec
can you point me to such a spec? apparently it's via the gio api. Which I can only imagine is backed by dconf or something this is the spec
Np. It's honestly more of me being a nuisance than anything though. It's probably enough to gracefully handle it not being there.