Are you on the latest version? Using short names for built-in plugins is supposed to work.
@plexus I tried a few more attempts to retry failed tests (and moved it to a different project entirely), but I can't find a way to actually make it work properly
the retrying in general happens but then the reporting is still messed up
maybe I just have to do it outside of kaocha like it was currently done with lein test
, recording the failed tests and re-running them
starting to suspect that with a plugin I won't really get it working
I'm pretty sure you can do this with a plugin.
rebind the reporter in wrap-run to capture events until you know if you want a test to pass or fail
(with-redefs [t/report (fn [e] (swap! recorded-events conj e))]
(apply run args))
then replay them for the final run of a test
(run! t/report @recorded-events)
ah nice didn't think about that, with-redefs
is a bit o a nuclear option though
but if there is no other way it's fine I guess
but make sure your special handling in wrap-run
only kicks in for leaf tests
is meant to be rebound like that, that's what kaocha also does
ah ok cool, and yeah I saw the issue with leafs and non leafs tests
ok thanks I can try that then