Hey all, I am trying to use kaocha with cljs-bean and it seems like deep-diff doesn't like beans:
-#function (meta,obj,prop__GT_key,key__GT_prop,transform,recursive_QMARK_,__arr,__cnt,__hash){
this.meta = meta;
this.obj = obj;
this.prop__GT_key = prop__GT_key;
this.key__GT_prop = key__GT_prop;
this.transform = transform;
this.recursive_QMARK_ = recursive_QMARK_;
this.__arr = __arr;
this.__cnt = __cnt;
this.__hash = __hash;
this.cljs$lang$protocol_mask$partition0$ = 2164131599;
this.cljs$lang$protocol_mask$partition1$ = 139268;
} "{:$metadata {:httpStatusCode 200, :httpHeaders {:date \"Sun, 17 Jan 2021 19:00:06 GMT\", :content-type \"applicat
ion/x-amz-json-1.0\", :x-amz-crc32 \"2745614147\", :x-amzn-requestid \"4760a996-a00c-4623-af7e-7bb7b94c611e\", :cont
ent-length \"2\", :server \"Jetty(9.4.18.v20190429)\"}, :requestId \"4760a996-a00c-4623-af7e-7bb7b94c611e\", :attemp
ts 1, :totalRetryDelay 0}, :Attributes nil, :ConsumedCapacity nil, :ItemCollectionMetrics nil}"
Is there a clean way for me to add diffing of bean's?I figured it might be enough do something like:
(ns deep-diff-bean
(:require [cljs-bean.core :as be]
[clojure.data :as data]
[lambdaisland.deep-diff2 :as dd2]))
(defn diff-bean
[exp act]
(-> exp
(js->clj :keywordize-keys true))
(-> act
(js->clj :keywordize-keys true))))
(extend-protocol lambdaisland.deep-diff2.diff-impl/Diff
(-diff-similar [exp act]
(lambdaisland.deep-diff2.diff-impl/diff-map exp act)))
(extend-protocol clojure.data/Diff
(diff-similar [exp act]
(diff-bean exp act)))
(data/diff {:x 1} {:x 2})
(dd2/pretty-print (data/diff (be/bean {:x 1}) (be/bean {:x 2})))
(dd2/diff {:x 1} {:x 2})
(dd2/pretty-print (dd2/diff (be/bean #js{:x 1}) (be/bean #js{:x 2}))))
which appears to work at the repl if I call the diffs in the comment block but when running kaocha-cljs2 against a node.js target it still pukes up. I have the protocol extension in my node-runner but it seems that isn't enoughbut doesn't seem to work via kaocha-cljs2