Kaocha stopped working for no obvious reason. No error, just stuck:
% ./scripts/kaocha.sh
… and then nothing. Process does not terminate. With no tests, kaocha
terminates but with even the most trivial test:
(deftest simple
(testing "never fails"
(is true)))
it gets stuck. Same if I let the test fail (is false)
. Any ideas what is happening here. Did work flawlessly before.This is my kaocha.sh
#!/usr/bin/env bash
clojure -A:test "$@"
Typing ctr-c in terminal terminates kaocha and prints the expected result.
Have not found anything that allows verbose output.
My tests.edn
is this:
;; tests.edn
{:tests [{:id :unit-cljs
:type :kaocha.type/cljs
:src-paths ["src/main"]
:test-paths ["src/test"]
:ns-patterns ["-test$"]}]}
Could you, once it has gotten stuck
- use jcmd
to find the process id of the kaocha process
- use jstack
to get the stack traces of that process
- share those (via http://gist.github.com/)
That way we can see exactly where it's stuck.
please also share your deps.edn
so we get the exact version you're using.
and if you could then put all of the above into https://github.com/lambdaisland/kaocha/issues that would be 🙏:skin-tone-2: 🙏:skin-tone-2: 🙏:skin-tone-2: :thanks2: 🎉
it's probably also a good idea to add :capture-output? false
to your tests.edn
, to make sure there aren't any warnings or other relevant output that's getting hidden.
You could also use :reporter :kaocha.report/debug
to get more verbose output, not sure how much that will tell us but it can't hurt.
Thanks @plexus, I will try later and let you know. If it still persists I’ll open an issue. Still have the feeling that it is something stupid on my side that I don’t see yet 😉
Okay, I found the troublemaker… I recently added some code to collect runtime stats in my re-frame based react native app with something like:
(defonce stats (atom {:counter 0}))
(defonce condition-eval-stats-timer
(js/setInterval (fn []
(swap! stats update :counter inc))
When removing the js/setInverval
kaocha behaves as expected. When isolating the problem in a minimal project I get this error after a while:
% ./bin/kaocha
WARNING: When invoking clojure.main, use -M
Randomized with --seed 1001458186
ERROR in unit-cljs (main.java:40)
Unexpected error executing kaocha-cljs test suite.
Exception: clojure.lang.ExceptionInfo: Failed cleaning up ClojureScript runtime
{:cljs/last-val "nil", :ws/disconnected? true, :ws/connected? false}
at kaocha.type.cljs$eval6734$fn__6736$fn__6758.invoke (cljs.clj:302)
kaocha.type.cljs$queue_consumer.invokeStatic (cljs.clj:181)
kaocha.type.cljs$queue_consumer.invoke (cljs.clj:173)
kaocha.type.cljs$eval6734$fn__6736.invoke (cljs.clj:298)
kaocha.plugin.capture_output$capture_output_wrap_run_hook$fn__2618$fn__2619.invoke (capture_output.clj:83)
kaocha.plugin.capture_output$capture_output_wrap_run_hook$fn__2618.doInvoke (capture_output.clj:83)
kaocha.testable$run.invokeStatic (testable.clj:128)
kaocha.testable$run.invoke (testable.clj:119)
kaocha.testable$run_testable.invokeStatic (testable.clj:212)
kaocha.testable$run_testable.invoke (testable.clj:157)
kaocha.testable$run_testables.invokeStatic (testable.clj:225)
kaocha.testable$run_testables.invoke (testable.clj:215)
kaocha.api$run$fn__3124$fn__3125$fn__3126.invoke (api.clj:137)
kaocha.api$run$fn__3124$fn__3125.invoke (api.clj:111)
kaocha.api$run$fn__3124.invoke (api.clj:110)
kaocha.api$run.invokeStatic (api.clj:96)
kaocha.api$run.invoke (api.clj:83)
kaocha.runner$run.invokeStatic (runner.clj:133)
kaocha.runner$run.invoke (runner.clj:74)
kaocha.runner$_main_STAR_.invokeStatic (runner.clj:172)
kaocha.runner$_main_STAR_.doInvoke (runner.clj:145)
kaocha.runner$_main.invokeStatic (runner.clj:183)
kaocha.runner$_main.doInvoke (runner.clj:181)
0 tests, 1 assertions, 1 errors, 0 failures.
If opening an issue is still worth doing, please let me know and I will do so.Gist with stacktrace as requested above: https://gist.github.com/kreutter/e1e445da2ff6d4815d8b7ba4eff77e00
Ok I missed that this is a kaocha-cljs issue, please mention that LOUD AND CLEAR next time, that's a completely different ball game than just plain kaocha
Okay. I promise. But is that behaviour expected or a bug? Should I raise an issue or not?
When happens when you eval that code in a vanilla cljs repl?
hmm seems to work fine, yeah please file an issue. You can find information in the kaocha-cljs repo for getting verbose output from kaocha-cljs
I'm not sure we'll be able to do much about it, or if we'll even be able to really tell where it's going wrong. Kaocha-cljs is quite hard to troubleshoot. Kaocha-cljs2 is easier to pick apart but it's more work to put set up.
but I'd still be interested to see your output with kaocha-cljs debugging turned on. Also please read the information in the kaocha-cljs README. kaocha-cljs works with a ClojureScript (p)repl under the hood, which is where most of its limitations stem from.