
Official support channel: https://clojureverse.org/c/projects/kaocha
lread 2021-05-21T18:40:28.004Z

Hello fellow kaocha fans! One of my favourite features of kaocha is its colorized diff reports when tests fail. I am finding I do not get kaocha colorized diff reports for my own custom assert-exprs. Does anybody know if colorized diffs should work with custom assert-exprs?

lread 2021-05-22T15:56:16.006300Z

Oh right there in the docs, eh? Sorry I missed that! And thanks @actuallyalys_slack, I’ll try that!

lread 2021-05-22T18:16:56.007Z

Huh, I’m not getting it yet. And I’m happy to give up for now! :simple_smile: