
Keechma stack. Mention @U050986L9 or @U2J1PHYNM if you have any questions
mihaelkonjevic 2016-05-11T09:57:08.000113Z

@gadfly361: looks good to me

gadfly361 2016-05-11T16:45:45.000115Z

lein new reagent-figwheel myapp +keechma

gadfly361 2016-05-11T16:48:23.000117Z

@mihaelkonjevic: I decided to exclude keechma's dependency on react 14, will this present a problem for keechma (aside from warnings)? I chose to exclude because I prefer to have the template pinned to a stable version of reagent, which currently is 0.5.1 which is based on react 13.

mihaelkonjevic 2016-05-11T17:56:29.000118Z

@gadfly361: I think it should work without any problems. There's nothing version specific in keechma

gadfly361 2016-05-11T18:46:20.000119Z
