How can I deref and print app-db from the repl? I'm looking at the place-my-order demo
! also, first time I've been able to get through a clojurescript ui tutorial! Thanks for the great documentation
ah, I remember doing that, but don’t recall off the top of my head. I think it depends if you are using edb
@roberto, Yes, using edb. I like the idea. But I'm trying to follow how state is passed around...not global
haven’t done front end in months, so a little rusty right now.
so, basically, wherever you initialize your edb instance
you can switch to that ns, and inspect it
use the same functions provided by edb to do so, you can also inspect the data structure.
I remember doing both
yes, that's it
the demo would be
yeah, so when you initialize your store, it is accessible from the ns where you did that
then you can just inspect it or use the edb functions to query it
perfect. I had misnamed the :id function for the edb
edb/make-dbal {:ent {:id :ent-id}}