
Keechma stack. Mention @U050986L9 or @U2J1PHYNM if you have any questions
roberto 2016-06-28T16:48:56.000086Z

the to-validator function in the forms example seems to be generic and helpful enough that it could probably be included in the forms library?

roberto 2016-06-28T16:49:24.000087Z

it is something that I see myself having to copy/paste for every new project

mihaelkonjevic 2016-06-28T17:18:47.000088Z

it’s not really generalized and there might be better ways to write it. it depends how you would want to format the validations map. But I agree that a generalized solution might make sense

mihaelkonjevic 2016-06-28T17:19:42.000089Z

also I’m not sure If you’ve seen this, but Keechma Forms allows the best validation UX 🙂

roberto 2016-06-28T17:23:55.000091Z

hadn’t seen it 🙂

bocaj 2016-06-28T19:36:46.000092Z

Hadn't read it. That's why I picked keechma to start learning, though. I'm trying to introduce validations on a wonky set of data in an HR context

bocaj 2016-06-28T19:41:09.000093Z

I'd love to something like this work out for the poor folks that do data entry.

bocaj 2016-06-28T20:21:53.000095Z

Life lesson "Hybrid — reward early, punish late — approach"

bocaj 2016-06-28T23:03:04.000096Z

(defrecord Controller [main-app]
  (params [_ route-params] true)
  (handler [this app-db-atom in-chan _]
    (let [main-app (:main-app this)
          user (cks/get :current-user)]
      (if user
        (start-app! main-app app-db-atom)
        (controller/dispatcher app-db-atom in-chan
                               {:login (partial login main-app)})))))

bocaj 2016-06-28T23:05:14.000097Z


(go (start-app! main-app app-db-atom)

bocaj 2016-06-28T23:05:54.000098Z

So everything delegated from a controller must be async. Is this correct? Understandable style?