
Keechma stack. Mention @U050986L9 or @U2J1PHYNM if you have any questions
kauko 2016-09-20T04:56:40.000011Z

that'd be nice! It's not really about Rum for me - still not sure which one I like more, and I'm certainly sure both of them are plenty good enough for what you need them to do. I just feel like there shouldn't be a need for a hard dependency to ANY view library, and being able to switch one out at will speaks to the quality and modularity of the solution. 🙂

kauko 2016-09-20T04:58:03.000012Z

Not saying keechma is low quality because of the hard dep 😄 Just that it'd be another sign of good quality if you could switch Reagent to kauko's-dumb-react-wrapper