@mihaelkonjevic Where would I run actions that should happen after a dataloader has loaded some data to the :target
What do you need to do?
I didn't have a need for a such feature
So I'd like a real example to figure out what's the best approach
I'm loading the data into a table. Then I want to put the ids of the table items somewhere in the database. I suppose that's what entity-db does automatically, but what if you're not using entity-db?
The easiest would be to have a data-ids data source which depends on the data data source
That way whenever the original data changes data-ids would be called and you can process it to extract the ids
Datsource params fn received the data from all data sources it depends on. So you could just return the data from there and the loader fan could extract and store ids
Ok, I'll try that. Thanks!
@mihaelkonjevic Great, that works. By the way, I remember reading somewhere that you were going to give a talk on keechma. Has that happened yet? Is there a video?
it’s in september on ClojuTRE in Finland
@mihaelkonjevic Hm... I'm getting Missing dependencies :item for component :list
Can't figure out why. Will try to make minimal example
are you trying to get the “item” subscription without adding it into subscription-deps ?
Nope, haven't introduced subscriptions at all. Just components-deps
is the “item” component registered in the ui-system map?
As far as I can tell, yes. It's the same keyword, and it's not nil if I inspect it.
hm, yeah I’ll need the minimal example then 🙂
On it!
@mihaelkonjevic pfff.... it was just a damn typo!
I suppose that's a trade-off of somewhat substituting vars for keys in hash maps.
@mihaelkonjevic So I'm playing around with the keechma source. The airity issue is specific to the toolbox library, correct? It doesn't seem to be an issue with a "vanilla" Controller
Hm, so apparently
[org.clojure/clojure "1.9.0-alpha15"]
[org.clojure/clojurescript "1.9.229"]
Are still okay? They're dependencies of the keechma-toolbox