
Keechma stack. Mention @U050986L9 or @U2J1PHYNM if you have any questions
Ahmed Hassan 2019-07-06T20:10:33.241200Z

is :main component mandatory in application?

carkh 2019-07-06T20:20:08.241500Z


Ahmed Hassan 2019-07-06T20:21:11.242200Z

what if I have Login component? which key does it refers to?

Ahmed Hassan 2019-07-06T20:21:33.242700Z

Like :login?

carkh 2019-07-06T20:21:46.243Z

yes why not

carkh 2019-07-06T20:22:12.243500Z

you make the names up =)

Ahmed Hassan 2019-07-06T20:22:59.244400Z

Problem is that it's not being rendered. Even when pipeline controller's :params function returns true.

carkh 2019-07-06T20:23:20.245Z

you need to have a main component

Ahmed Hassan 2019-07-06T20:23:33.245400Z

(I am using fn instead of :params)

carkh 2019-07-06T20:23:38.245600Z

which will in turn show the login component

carkh 2019-07-06T20:24:10.246100Z

your app has at least 2 states, 1 show the login, 2 show the actual page

carkh 2019-07-06T20:24:24.246500Z

both 1 and 2 are enclosed in the main component

carkh 2019-07-06T20:24:41.246900Z

which will dispatch based on the route

carkh 2019-07-06T20:25:28.247400Z

back to my counters test app, here is that main component

carkh 2019-07-06T20:25:50.247500Z

carkh 2019-07-06T20:26:10.248300Z

see how it selects what to show based on the route

Ahmed Hassan 2019-07-06T20:26:42.249200Z

Oh great, so every other component in app flows from :main.

carkh 2019-07-06T20:26:43.249300Z

you would have :login and :main-page instead of my two counter pages

carkh 2019-07-06T20:26:56.249700Z

that's how i do it anyways

Ahmed Hassan 2019-07-06T20:28:14.250300Z

@carkh Thanks. Let me try it.

carkh 2019-07-06T20:40:47.252Z

i don't want to publish that app, it looks more like a battleground than an many tests were made in there =)

Ahmed Hassan 2019-07-06T20:51:51.252500Z

@carkh I'm going through similar phase.

carkh 2019-07-06T20:59:49.252700Z

best way to learn !
