Hi. Sadly, the talk was not recorded. There is a sample at the repo: https://github.com/metosin/kekkonen/tree/master/examples/component
We are currently working an a refined version of the ideas as a full rewrite, on top of our upcoming routing library, reitit (https://github.com/metosin/reitit). “old” Kekkonen apps should be portable to it (we have a lot of those).
Kekkonen is quite tightly coupled to Schema. With reitit, the coercion library is pluggable, either Schema or Spec.
Thank you @ikitommi 🙂 No wonder I didn't see reitit
in the sample, good to know that revised is upcoming. Really appreciate such great work from Metosin BTW, found a couple of great resources to look up for more on kekkonen
Kekkonen- Commands and Queries for the Web https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BIjVH4SAmiM
Improving and Evaluating Clojure Web Application Architecture https://dspace.cc.tut.fi/dpub/bitstream/handle/123456789/23944/Kataja_Teperi.pdf?sequence=1
Been wondering how frontend framework like re-frame
is to play with standard REST, and the author been proposing CQRS as backend, now that I see how kekkonen
supports CQRS, it makes a lot of sense now. Thank you again @ikitommi
thanks for the links! I think we have a kekkonen re-frame effect-handler laying around somewhere. ping @juhoteperi @miikka. Could be pushed to examples?