
practicalli-john 2017-05-20T19:49:32.831819Z

I'm using the gitbook-plugin-klipse which works great. However, I am also using gitbook-plugin-sectionx to hide solutions to challenges. When I put a klipse code block inside a collapsed section, the contents of the klipse block does not render. If I put klipse in a sectionx section that is set to show, then klipse renders correctly. Also if I resize the page with a sectionx section expanded, then klipse draws correctly. https://github.com/ymcatar/gitbook-plugin-sectionx https://github.com/brian-dawn/gitbook-plugin-klipse

practicalli-john 2017-05-20T20:03:21.871377Z

an example of this in action can be seen at https://clojurebridgelondon.github.io/workshop/