
practicalli-john 2017-11-11T14:45:07.000066Z

Hello @viebel thanks for all the work on klipse, its great. We are using klipse for our ClojureBridge workshop next weekend and all the exercises will be done using klipse (using the gitbook klipse plugin) - https://clojurebridgelondon.github.io/workshop/

borkdude 2017-11-11T15:05:37.000027Z

@jr0cket At first glance, awesome material!

borkdude 2017-11-11T15:06:33.000093Z

@jr0cket Spotted a bug. When you go to this page: https://clojurebridgelondon.github.io/workshop/introducing-clojure/generate-html-from-hiccup.html and then press right arrow, the SVG errors

borkdude 2017-11-11T15:06:54.000004Z

However when you go directly to https://clojurebridgelondon.github.io/workshop/introducing-clojure/clojure-svg-graphics.html it works

practicalli-john 2017-11-11T15:25:01.000077Z

@borkdude I have noticed that issue, but hadnt done any testing. This helps validate when its happening. I though it was just due to a slow connection

practicalli-john 2017-11-11T15:31:12.000087Z

It does seem to be the page https://clojurebridgelondon.github.io/workshop/introducing-clojure/clojure-svg-graphics.html causing the problems. If I go back to the previous page which worked initially, then that now fails too. I'll check the code

Yehonathan Sharvit 2017-11-11T16:08:23.000057Z

Nice stuff @jr0cket

practicalli-john 2017-11-11T16:10:20.000161Z

@viebel not sure why the svg graphics page is not loading after the hiccup page previously. Wonder if there is a time out, or unwanted interaction between hiccup & reagent libraries.

practicalli-john 2017-11-11T16:11:07.000002Z

The svg page always loads correctly once I manually reload the browser page

practicalli-john 2017-11-11T16:14:49.000045Z

Hmm, interesting. If i swap the order of the pages and put the svg page first, the html page fails (unless it has a manual refresh of the web page).

practicalli-john 2017-11-11T16:17:20.000036Z

Both pages are using reagent as a hidden piece of code and work individually.

practicalli-john 2017-11-11T16:17:57.000037Z

If I dont figure this out, I'll raise a ticket on the project and detail as much as I can as to what is going on

practicalli-john 2017-11-11T16:19:57.000002Z

#error {:message "ERROR", :data {:tag :cljs/analysis-error}, :cause #object[Error Error: No protocol method ISwap.-swap! defined for type cljs.core/Atom: [object Object]]}