
derpocious 2017-12-20T01:50:51.000064Z

@viebel The window in the upper right corner

Yehonathan Sharvit 2017-12-20T06:13:04.000038Z

You can use eval_only=1 url parameter as described here http://blog.klipse.tech/clojure/2016/03/27/klipse-manual.html

Yehonathan Sharvit 2017-12-20T06:13:46.000122Z

But for blog posts, it’s better to use the klipse plugin. See https://github.com/viebel/klipse @derpocious

Yehonathan Sharvit 2017-12-20T06:14:55.000081Z

This is how I embed clojure code snippets in my own blog. See for instance this blog post: http://blog.klipse.tech/clojurescript/2016/04/25/records-wacky-maps.html

jrheard 2017-12-20T22:01:24.000559Z

http://blog.jrheard.com/procedural-dungeon-generation-drunkards-walk-in-clojurescript is pretty good too imo

jrheard 2017-12-20T22:01:31.000405Z

klipse plugin rules

jrheard 2017-12-20T22:02:08.000337Z

very easy to use too