Hey @viebel. I'm trying to put together some steps for building locally. essentially:
change dbg html to include settings:
cached_ns_root: 'http://localhost:5014/docs/cache-cljs',
clojure_cached_macro_ns_regexp: /.*/,
clojure_cached_ns_regexp: /.*/,
bundled_ns_root: "cljs-out/dev/",
rm symlink in resources/public/docs (cant seem to see the cache-cljs)
mv in docs from / into resources/public (can see cache-cljs now)
lumo -c lein classpath
(require '[reagent.core])
Execution error.
No such namespace: cljsjs.react, could not locate cljsjs/react.cljs, cljsjs/react.cljc, or JavaScript source providing "cljsjs.react"
Any ideas on what I need to do to overcome the cljsjs.react? It seems to occur when I set the bundled_ns_root
1. Why do you want to host all the deps locally? It’s much simpler to take it from Klipse online 2. If you really really need that, you need to host the analysis cache files locally. Clone this repo: https://github.com/viebel/cljs-analysis-cache
unfortunately because of some security requirements I have to work. but I can clone the analysis cache easily enough
it should work @galvs
Can you share details about your project? Maybe in private message?