
respatialized 2019-05-23T02:57:01.033700Z

this may seem like a really basic question, but how do I apply a custom CodeMirror theme to Klipse via CSS? The CodeMirror themes repo documentation says you need to apply the theme when the codemirror object is created in JS:

var myCodeMirror = CodeMirror(document.body, {
    mode: 'javascript',
    lineNumbers: true,
    theme: 'bespin'
but I don't have the ability to customize the CodeMirror var if I'm loading Klipse from the provided Google url. Do I need to self-host Klipse in order to do this?

Yehonathan Sharvit 2019-05-23T03:37:54.034Z

@afoltzm Take a look here: https://github.com/viebel/klipse#changing-the-style-of-codemirror