
samedhi 2020-08-31T18:05:01.001400Z

I am noticing that a documentation site I previously made https://firemore.org/ is now having issues with pulling my github code. I am seeing the following error in my klipse window when I attempt to pull my projects source.

samedhi 2020-08-31T18:08:44.002300Z

Pretty evident that I am pulling from http://viebel.github.io when I mean to be pulling from my project's github repo...

samedhi 2020-08-31T18:11:28.003700Z

I am using data-external-libs with this

&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;&lt;/p&gt;&lt;pre&gt; &lt;code class="language-klipse nohighlight" data-external-libs="<https://raw.githubusercontent.com/samedhi/firemore/master/src>"&gt; (require '[firemore.core :as firemore]) &lt;/code&gt; &lt;/pre&gt;&lt;p&gt;
I think this used to work, has the syntax for using data-external-libs changed?

samedhi 2020-08-31T18:23:18.006400Z

I am getting the same behavior when I do local development, with the following code

&lt;code class="language-klipse" data-external-libs="<http://localhost:8000/src>"&gt;
(require '[firemore.core :as firemore])

samedhi 2020-08-31T23:15:19.007500Z

Smallest reproducing case. It seems like core.async is just having issues. index.html

&lt;link rel="stylesheet" 

    &lt;code class="language-klipse"&gt;
    (ns firemore.readme
      [cljs.core.async :as async])
      [cljs.core.async.macros :refer [go-loop go]]))

     (js/console.log "This works fine")

     (go (js/console.log "This does not"))
 window.klipse_settings = {
     // css selector the elements to klipsify
     selector: '.language-klipse'
&lt;script src="<https://storage.googleapis.com/app.klipse.tech/plugin/js/klipse_plugin.js>"&gt;&lt;/script&gt;
Unexpected error (Error) macroexpanding cljs.core.async.impl.ioc-macros$macros/aset-all! at (&lt;cljs repl&gt;:1:1).
Wrong number of args (5) passed to cljs.core.async.impl.ioc-macros$macros/aset-all!