Hey.. great episodes..keep going. Loved the humor when you said 'Santa lives in Bulgaria' 🙂
glad you liked it... somehow these tooling episodes take much more time than "regular" episodes
But it is these areas, where we lack in-depth articles/blogs.. I'm happy that you're covering these...
true... which is also why I wrote the REPL guide, I find this whole area needs more coverage
these episodes I made specifically because a subscriber early on told me they failed to get emacs going with Figwheel, which I just find so tragic... it's not that hard, but it's very confusing if you lack the mental model of how it's supposed to work
I have gone through the guide already.. It was fantastic too... Great content so far and I would definitely spread the word among my friends community..
I learned much too late how nREPL works, now that I know that I find it easier to understand some of the occasional "strange" behavior of CIDER, like how some things end up in the REPL buffer and some in nrepl-server
yeah.. do you mind taking a question from me though?
not at all, I'll take all the input I can get, and/or I'm happy to help!
Is there a nrepl client for cljs ? A pure cljs lib using which I can talk to a nrepl server running somewhere ..?
I couldn't find one.. I think drawbridge is something that can be explored...supports http/https as a transport.. but it lacks documentation..
got to grok the codebase to understand
gooood question, I think not, because nREPL uses bencode over TCP, and that's just not something you can do from a typical JS runtime
that said, nREPL is built to support multiple transports, so it could totally be made to work with websockets for instance
bencoding might be coming from a middleware isn't it? Can't that be swapped with an alternate implementation.. A JS friendlier one like json..
I don't think that's middleware business, but it is definitely swappable
OK , so it looks like there is no such one available right now.. surprising that noone wanted it 😞
it would open up possibilities... I've dreamed of a CLJS browser console that uses bootstrapped ClojureScript by default so it's stand-alone, but that can also connect to an nREPL server and use that as its backend
or that would act as an nREPL server so you can connect to it from e.g. CIDER
yes that would be super useful... esp for exploratory apps.
yeah, it would be a great gateway, especially for the JS crowd
Thanks for your time.. like I said, the guide and the recent episodes on REPLs cleared a lot of questions that I had..
this implements a HTTP transport, so you could use that to access it from cljs https://github.com/cemerick/drawbridge
yeah that's what I should explore...
let me know how it goes! Maybe I should add it to the guide as well, seems like it could open up some interesting venues
BTW did you already fill out the survey that I sent around yesterday?
Not yet.. Will do it for sure.
alright, thanks! I really need that feedback
the good thing is that most feedback is very positive, so it seems I'm actually delivering value. The downside of that is that there's no one thing yet that pops out that I can improve, just lots of little things
I agree with the consensus 🙂 .. Its great so far... Personally I would want an episode on core.async
I'm discovering what is known in startup circles as the "long slow ramp of death", just gotta keep grinding
Yeah takes a little while until you cover a good ground.. so when new subscribers walk in to site, they would see a lot of content already available
but you're definitely not alone with core.async
that's out of 18 respondents
and this is for paid subscribers. They got a separate link because I want to way their input more heavily
this one makes me happy though
glad that you are sharing this..
this is also pretty interesting https://github.com/whamtet/cljs-nrepl
This is interesting.. May be a little bit of poking will give me what I'm looking for..
that last one seems to be based on node though, not sure that's what you're after
it's based on this https://github.com/whamtet/dogfort
hah this dude does some cool stuff https://github.com/whamtet/Excel-REPL
drawbridge-cljs seems to be the one that I'm after.. let me try it out...
On a side note, excel-repl seems very interesting... Clojure is everywhere .
What is "keemcha"? This was mentioned on the survey. (Supposed to be Korma?)
Must have been keechma